Technical Resources

We are here to help. If you have any questions about our wine rack systems, please feel free to contact Wine Pegs here or via email at


Connector bolt assembly diagram
Connector Bolts (Sold Separately)

The connector bolts are threaded through the backside of your wine wall panel and into the wine peg situated on the front side of the panel. This method is best used when the installer has access to the backside of the wine peg panel.

Bolt length for Panel thickness
Bolt size guide

Compatible Products

Nek-Rite, XY Series, Beta Bloc

Threaded insert and threaded stud Connector bolt assembly diagram
Threaded Stud and Insert (Sold Separately)

Our threaded inserts are drilled in from the front of either ½" or ¾" thick panel using an 8.2mm drill hole. This method is best used when the installer does not have access to the backside of the panel.

Compatible Products

Nek-Rite, XY Series, Beta Bloc